So I quit my job today 🙂
I literally walked up to the store manager halfway through my shift and said ‘I’m leaving’. Let me put you in the picture.
For the past two years I have been working seven days a week. This was due in large part to:
- A lack of personal financial education, which lead to
- Excessive amounts of personal debt which
- Needed paying off.
The need for the weekend job (excessive amounts of personal debt) has disappeared. But there was a greater need for me to quit:
I am bursting with ideas for the blog and did not have the time to execute those ideas.
Now I do have time to execute and therefore have no excuses for lack of content/trading.
The ideas for the blog that I could not follow through on included trade ideas that I was unable to make due to work exhaustion as well as output ideas for the blog including podcasting.
Over the next week or so I will not be trading but instead I would like to share with you the pressures that were brought to bear on me which affected my psychology that ultimately lead to me closing all my open positions and forcing me to re-evaluate my trading strategy and the blog.
Back to what happened today.
So I had two jobs: one relatively normal 9-5 job as well as a job on the weekend as a delivery driver for a well known supermarket here in the UK. Half a day Saturday and a full day on Sunday.
I had had enough.
I hadn’t blogged in weeks, I was forced to exit all my positions from the stock market, I was unable to produce podcasts and execute on other creative ideas for the blog, I was constantly exhausted, I had not played rugby in months……..the list goes on.
But today was especially brutal because my former employers had over the past twelve months changed the nature of my role to the extent that I was not doing what I had originally signed up to do. I was not in the mood for a fight nor was I in the mood to talk and so I left. I did feel the need to let the store manager know I was leaving though.
As the saying goes I felt a great weight has lifted off my shoulders and I suppose this post was to let you all know that the Trading Simply project has not been abandoned and that I intend to resume trading the weekend of 23rd October. In the meantime I’ll update the blog with how I see Trading Simply performing in the future.
Thanks for your continued support
The Simple Trader
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